A Quick Sunday Read and a bit about Self-Trust

Hey Reader!

Every day is a day for love. This week contains THE day of love, according to St. Valentine and card designers at Hallmark. Perhaps celebrating Valentine's Day does cause us to think about love, to express love, to feel love, all the more. If it does, yay.

I was blessed to share time this week with the full extension of my nucleus family. What a joy! Four generations all together. It was the first time we have all gathered since the birth of my two great-nephews in August and December 2023. The snuggles and I-love-you's and we-are-so-blessed utterings that infused our hours spent together... well, they were just everything. I feel so honored and loved to be a part of it.

It got me thinking about lifelong loves and how we choose to be in them, even those—maybe especially those—that are chosen for us, like our families.

It reminded me of this piece from a while back:

Loves That Make Up a Life

As always, I would love to hear your thoughts.

Quick Word - Words have power. Use them well.

This week's word: Self-Trust

"Trust what you know."

This came up in a discussion with a client recently. He was working on an amazing story idea sparked in one of those flashes of genius. Then, when he next approached the page nothing came. He started to question and doubt all that he couldn't remember during the first moments of inspiration, and if his brilliant idea was even viable.

We talked about the role of trust, specifically self-trust, when co-creating with his imagination and muse. To trust what he knows and surrender to what's next.

It's a soft and loving prompt, to trust yourself.

Trust. What a reliable word.

Trust is a noun meaning "assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something." Or, "one in which confidence is placed." Or as a verb: “to rely on the truthfulness or accuracy of.” To entrust. "To believe that someone is good and honest and will not harm you, or that something is safe and reliable."

And, self-trust is "trust in one's own abilities, qualities or judgment."

“Trust thyself. every heart vibrates to that iron string."— Ralph Waldo Emerson

Self-trust is self-love. The ultimate self-love. It’s intentional.

It's deeply listening and paying attention.

Pause and breathe into self-trust. Trust the responses that come from your mind, heart, body and spirit.

Self-trust is empowering your choices.

“Trust yourself. Create the kind of self you will be happy to live your whole life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement."— Golda Meir

Keep asking. And, fanning the flames. And, trust what you know. You know more than you think you know.

Something to think about.

Journal Prompt

Do you trust yourself? Why or why not?

How is self-trust love? How does it show up in your life?

My newest journals available on Amazon:

Open Sesame: A Manifestation Journal for Opening the Doors of Your Life

The Open Sesame Journal: To Manifest the Life of Your Dreams

Creative Coffee Chat

The year is still young! What do you want to create? Invest in your creativity and you will reap the dividends. :)

Perhaps a Creative Jam Session is the key to opening the portal to your highest imagination... Learn more about my creative coaching practices and packages HERE.

Now's the time for your Projects, Passion, and Purpose™! Book a year of creativity with me and you'll be amazed at what you'll accomplish.

I hope you have a great week filled with self-trust and love. And, kindness.

Thank you for your trust.

Keep creating, abundantly,

PS. No doubt you receive loads of emails in your daily inbox. You got this message because you signed up for something previously (newsletter, free download, workshop, etc.). I love having you and will always try to provide some takeaways for your week, even if it's just a thought to noodle over!

While we're on the topic of your inbox, if you could do us both a favor and move this email to your inbox, if it landed somewhere else (like promotions), and/or whitelist my email address -- because I want to be in the box where your friends go, not the one with the unopened offers. :) Thank you!

That being said, if this isn't your thing, I won't take it personally if you want to unsubscribe or change your preference at the bottom of this email.

In a Word, formerly Quick Sunday Read

In a Word celebrates creativity, offers words to contemplate for the week, and journal prompts to expand your mind and life. Join me, writer and creativity guide Cindy Yantis, also on Substack at: https://abundantcreation.substack.com/

Read more from In a Word, formerly Quick Sunday Read

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