A Quick Sunday Read and a bit about Kindness

Hey Reader!

Tomorrow, November 13, is "World Kindness Day." It's the jubilee, marking the 25th year since the first official World Kindness Day" initiated by an International consortium called the World Kindness Movement. Let's celebrate by making every day world-kindness day.

Tomorrow is also my dad's 87th birthday, which is very fitting because my dad is the kindest man I know. He weaves kindness into the fabric of our family and was a living example for my sister and me of how to be kind: his energy, words, and actions. Happy Birthday, Dad!

In case you missed it, here's last week's post on Thought Changer:

This is Where You Belong

As always, would love to hear your thoughts.

Quick Word - Words have power. Use them well.

This week's word: Kindness

As much as I write and talk about kindness, it bears repeating, again and again. Especially now with so much division, angst, and strife in the world.

Kindness. What an important word.

Kindness is a noun meaning "gentle, caring, and helpful." Or, "the quality of being warmhearted and considerate and humane and sympathetic." Or, "friendly, deliberately doing good to others."

Humanity. Courtesy. Benevolence. Gentleness. Cordiality. Affability. Amiability. Goodwill. Understanding. Charity. Grace. Magnanimity.

Originating from Old English c. 1300, kyndnes, which meant "nation," also "produce, an increase." Expanding the definition in the late 1400s to "courtesy, noble deed."

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” — Aesop

When more people begin with kindness, kindness swells.

Kindness provides a much-needed and solid footing, a foundation from which to meet and greet the less-than-kind assaults that seem to drag down the ether, to stench the air we, at times, feel forced to breathe.

Kindness is the air freshener.

Kindness is the helium that will raise the heavy, negative energies; that will raise the ether, the very consciousness of society.

Kindness is love, understanding, and compassion in action.

“Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness." – Seneca

Kindness in its authenticity, is true power.

Kindness is a choice. While it's true some people seem to have more of an easy kindness about them, we all have it in us, and we all can make the choice to be kind.

“Sometimes it takes only one act of kindness and caring to change a person's life." – Jackie Chan

Kindness transcends labels. And, titles. And, status. It is an equalizer, second to none.

Kindness swells. Imagine a world where we all started and ended with kindness.

Something to think about.

Journal Prompt

Start your journaling each day this week with: What does kindness mean to me? What does it look like? Feel like? How can I live in kindness today?

Quick Share

Have you wondered or thought about writing on Medium?

Why write on Medium? "As of September 2023, Medium is one of the 400 most visited websites with over 130 million monthly visitors." - Sinem Günem

I get asked often about how to get started. I've been fortunate to meet some friends and co-writers on Medium, a community that supports writers and readers.

One of them is the generous, talented, and KIND Sinem Günem. She's a top writer on Medium and one of the editors of the publication, "Better Marketing."

When I wanted to hone my skills on Medium, including learning the most effective article structure for readership, how to engage and grow an audience, and how to utilize the Medium pay structure for writers, I turned to Sinem and her awesome course: MEDIUM WRITING ACADEMY

With her guidance, I doubled my audience and developed a system for solid and consistent writing and publishing. I recommend her course!

It starts on Thursday, 11/16, so there's still time to get in. If you do, let me know what you think!

Check it out and learn more here:

I'm an affiliate for this course. As most of you know, I only share or promote something I love and have used myself. This is one of them. So, if you use this link, I'll make a commission which will help my growing business. Thank you!

Creative Coffee Chat

Creating and helping creators create is my Jam!

Perhaps a Creative Jam Session is the key to opening the portal to your highest imagination... Click for more info about my creative coaching practices and packages.

Now's the time for your Projects, Passion, and Purpose™!

I also currently have space for some freelance writing clients: blog posts, newsletters, bios, scripts, long-form pieces, and ghostwriting.

I hope you have a great week filled with kindness.

Keep creating, abundantly,

PS. No doubt you receive loads of emails in your daily inbox. You got this message because you signed up for something previously (newsletter, free download, workshop, etc.). I love having you and will always try to provide some takeaways for your week, even if it's just a thought to noodle over!

While we're on the topic of your inbox, if you could do us both a favor and move this email to your inbox, if it landed somewhere else (like promotions), and/or whitelist my email address -- because I want to be in the box where your friends go, not the one with the unopened offers. :) Thank you!

That being said, if this isn't your thing, I won't take it personally if you want to unsubscribe or change your preference at the bottom of this email.

In a Word, formerly Quick Sunday Read

In a Word celebrates creativity, offers words to contemplate for the week, and journal prompts to expand your mind and life. Join me, writer and creativity guide Cindy Yantis, also on Substack at: https://abundantcreation.substack.com/

Read more from In a Word, formerly Quick Sunday Read

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